Friday, September 2, 2011

Pigeon Island

Another outing to Pigeon Island (March 20, 2011).

The photos below are just a sample of the many pictures that I took that day. It was a very sunny and clear day, and there was great light for shooting. Its days like these that make you appreciate the beauty of Jamaica.

Mr. Shaw, our trusted guide through Pigeon Island and the other Islands we visited that day.

When I saw this one of the things that came to mind was the Corona ads where the guy or girl or both are sitting on a beach, and its just them and the chair and the beer :)

This crab had died, seemingly with his entire body intact. I took a couple more shots of him, but this was one of the better ones.

Unfortunately, there weren't any soldier crabs this time around, as they are seasonal to the area. We did however, come across some pretty interesting spiders. The challenge was getting shots of them without a macro lens and with quite a bit of wind. We all had to group up around each other to keep the wind from shaking the web too much...and it worked as you can see below.